Kayden's Thoughts On: South Park 'Joining The Pander-Verse'

Kayden's Thoughts On: South Park 'Joining The Pander-Verse'

Not the biggest fan of this series, so here goes!

South Park: Joining the Panderverse Teaser

A Brief Summary

In "South Park: Joining the Panderverse," Eric Cartman finds himself dreaming of a world where he and his friends are replaced by more ethnically diverse versions of themselves, usually female. At first, his friends, Stan, Kyle and kenny all think he's joking, until a mysterious portal opens up, swapping their Cartman out with the one from the world in his dreams.

In the other world, Cartman meets, of all people, Kathleen Kennedy (the Producer of Lucasfilm for those who have not been informed), who is revealed to be using the 'Panderstone' to produce films instead of actually writing them. This is a reference to the recent fall in quality in Disney media, where quality writing is shunned in favour of appealing to be as 'politically correct' as possible.

Meanwhile, back in South Park, chaos ensues as the people of the town are faced with a major problem: most of the them have no knowledge on basic home repairs, thus inducing a monopoly amongst the local handymen. Upon realising this, they use it as a chance to jack up their prices and take their own sweet time on the jobs they get. Thus, the residents all reflect on their lives, regretting going to college and getting useless degrees that could easily be replaced by artificial intelligence instead of basic skills that will always be in demand.

Can't spoil the ending much, but the residents of South Park navigate through the madness, learning valuable lessons about friendship, hard work and the power of imagination.

My Personal Thoughts

I wouldn't exactly call myself the biggest fan of the show, but a few of my friends and favourite YouTubers seem to enjoy it so I thought I might give it a try. The title of this special certainly stood out to me, considering how much modern media attempts to 'pander' to their audiences, choosing to play it safe and be 'politically correct', abandoning the art of telling a story that all can enjoy. 

From what I've heard, South Park is one that is never above making fun of anyone, or anything, so I shouldn't be surprised that they were one of the first (and hopefully not the last) to address this. In a world where media is striving hard not to be on the wrong side of the fence and anyone who dares speak against it is accused of being 'wrong', this special was certainly a breath of fresh air. 

I even find the b-plot to be somewhat entertaining too and it certainly speaks to me. Dropping out of college not too long ago and unsure what I wanted to do next in life, it certainly cheered me up to know that having a degree doesn't make you that much better than anyone else. No offence if you are a graduate or at least pursuing a degree of course, but make sure you also pick up basic skills that will help you ahead in life. Even if it's something small like learning to fix or clean something, it's something that will never die or go out of fashion, and it certainly saves you a lot of money in the long run, reducing your dependence on the local handymen. 

I'm not really one for ratings, as I believe different people interpret different media, well, differently, but I guess if you're looking for a breath of fresh air and have at least a decent sense of humour, Joining The Panderverse is a definite must watch!


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