Kayden’s Thoughts On: Kanojo Mo Kanojo (Girlfriend, Girlfriend)

Well, seems I'm somewhat of a weeb now.

(Mild Spoiler Warning!)

Kanojo Mo Kanojo (Girlfriend, Girlfriend to those of us in the Anglosphere) is a Japanese 'romantic comedy' manga that's now been adapted into an anime series that has just concluded its second season. If I am not wrong, most episodes are free to watch on Muse's YouTube channel. 

It follows the story of Naoya Mukai, a Japanese high school student who's just confessed to his childhood crush, Saki Saki (Spoilers: her family decided to name her that as they thought having the same first and last name was a good luck charm of sorts), but a few days later, another classmate of theirs, Nagisa Minase, confesses her love for him too, winning him over (some of us ought to take notes) by the magic of homecooked food! Impressed but not wanting to let her down, he proposes to date both of them at the same time. With initial opposition from Saki, he eventually gets both of them in on it, and the story goes from there.

Spoilers: The anime version of Belle Delphine and one of my best friends (I will never stop comparing them, deal with it) come along later and he starts dating them too.

On the surface level, Kano Kano seems like your stereotypical harem/romance anime. While the plot is a little 'suspicious', as you watch Naoya's struggles to hold the group together, the lengths he goes to keep everyone happy (admittedly he tries too hard sometimes) and his overall character is amazing. He's certainly a refresher from your stereotypical anime protagonist, calm, confident and not afraid to make his opinions known, something that I hope to emulate. 

The girls also make the entire story work too. Saki is an absolute BEAST, showing that women can easily take on guys when they're pissed off, but eventually sees the fun in the relationship. Spoilers, it's revealed in the manga that she somewhat holds the group together, not just Naoya. Nagisa, welllll, she's cute and probably acts the most 'wife-like' to Naoya. 

Belle Delphine, she's an obsessive Twitch streamer who's somehow thirsty for Naoya, if they JFK'd her, 90% of all problems they face would disappear, trust me. Shino, well, she's won the hearts of many who watch the series, coming from a mere background character in Season 1 to literally stealing the show in Season 2 is simply not an easy feat. Very few writers succeed in this endeavour, yet, they did here, making us care about someone we previously didn't think anything of (Take notes, Thomas and Friends).

Personal Thoughts

I have a personal story to share about this anime, as it was one of the first that I watched with another one of my best friends. Previously, he had not seen any other anime apart from Girls Und Panzers (because he's a war enthusiast.), but now, he admits to being a full on weeb and like me, is eagerly waiting for the day Season 3 is announced. After all, the writers have described it as 'a comedy first, a romance second', so I would dare say there is a little something for everybody in it!

So yes, if you don't mind seeing 1 guy trying his best to impress 2, later 3 and 4 girls, Girlfriend, Girlfriend is a good, if not exceptional, watch (or read if you're into the manga.).



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